History and Graduate Participation

R. D. Oades started multidisciplinary Biological Psychiatry Research Programme, 1988/89
Focus on Schizophrenia (with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (with Tourette/Tic Syndrome)


Biological Psychiatry Group - Schizophrenia, founded 1994

Dr Uli Schall left 1999 for Newcastle, Australia; Dr Ina Grzella left for Aachen, then Dortmund, Germany, Dr Jorg Wolstein left 2000 for Bamberg, Germany & Drs Stefan Bender & Alex Dittmann-Balcar for Marsberg, Germany


BioPsychology Group - separated 1999, continued through 2011

Dr Jemel left 2001 for Montreal, Dr Oknina returned to Moscow in 2003, Dr Nele Wild-Wall and Stephanie Juran moved to the FADO, Dortmund in 2006, Dr Hanna Christiansen went to Marburg, 2008 and Dr. Bernd Röpcke retired in 2009

The work of both groups was based on
inter-disciplinary investigations of cognitive function and dysfunction in schizophrenia,
and the co-operation between psychiatry clinics and academic departments of psychology.

The work of the BioPsychology group focused on the biological bases of attention-related function and the related problems experienced by young persons with schizophrenia and children with ADHD.


Graduates (alphabetical):

Diploma Theses ("Masters") in Psychology
(in co-operation with Prof. Sartory, Dr. Müller and the University of Wuppertal)

Andrea Czwenk (2000), Angela Dolberg (2001), Isabelle Eisenbeis (2001),
Luigi Fierro (1998), Claudia Heeper (1999)  

On various neuropsychological themes associated with schizophrenia (left/right frontal, parietal and temporal lobe function)


Dr. med. / Dr. rer. medic.

1994, Dr. Ulrich Schall, Sensory gating in schizophrenia (ERP study) :
1996, Anja Schön, Sensory gating in obsessive compulsive disorder (ERP study) :
1999, Stefan Rust, Contrast sustained attention measures in paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenia (diagnostic vs. symptomatic classification) :
2004, Christiane Achenbach, Dipole sources of mismatch negativity in healthy subjects as a model for studies of psychiatric illness (ERP study) :
2007, Jan Sachsse, Alteration of mismatch negativity (MMN): disturbed auditory information processing in young patients with schizophrenia & others 14 years later :
2009, Michael Hemmerle : Evaluation of two years of residential care treatment for young persons with early-onset schizophrenia: ['HouseTrialogue' with Prof. Eggers] : 2010 Manuel Föcker : The course of a group of adolescent patients with schizophrenia: the stability of diagnosis, symptoms and medication.

Marion Schmidt-Wessels worked initially on 'The development of error-registration in children with ADHD'.

Research Assistants    
Gregor Volberg, 2000-2001 . Started on automatic vs. controlled attention studies. (Continued psychology studies in Konstanz and Nürnberg, Germany):

Melanie Haarer, 2001-2002 . With our 'MMN et al project' [ERPs, schizophrenia, change detection: left to pursue alternative career in psychology]:

Katja Kreul, 2001-2003. Executive attention & memory - pharmacotherapeutic effects in new vs. long-term patients with schizophrenia - special reference to dopamine :

Stephanie Juran, 2003 - 2004. With our 'MMN et al project' (ERPs, schizophrenia, change detection). [Moved to the Inst. for Occuptional Physiology, Dortmund and later the Karolinska Inst., Sweden:

Rachael Ainsley, 2003 - 2006. With our 'MMN project' (Neuropsychological Functioning in Adolescents and Adults Diagnosed with Early-Onset Schizophrenia). [Returned to the USA].

Dr. phil / Dr rer. nat.


Mario Butorac
(completed 2001: with Prof. Sartory, University of Wuppertal, Germany),
on Covert orienting of attention in schizophrenia.

Renate Thienel,
(completed 2005: with Dr. Schall, Newcastle, Australia & Prof. Güntürkün, Bochum, Germany),
on Tower-of-London performance in schizophrenia.


Hanna Christiansen
(2003 - 2006. Research Assistant in our 'IMAGE project' [Genetics, Neuropsychology, ADHD], continued as clinical psychologist. (completed 2009: returned to Marburg, Germany)


Post-doctoral Co-operation


1994, 1995 : Prof. Tatyana Dmitrieva, (Psychiatry, Nizshny Novgorod, Russia) :

On biological concomitants (hormones) of conduct disorder: support : DAAD


1995-9 : Bernhard Müller, (from 1996 Dr. Phil., Psychology, Wuppertal, Germany: Moved into Adult Psychiatry, Essen) :

On biological concomitants of selective attention (conditioned blocking) in schizophrenia: support : DFG


2000/1 : Dr. Boutheina Jemel, (Psychopathol. & Behav. Biol., University Paris VI, France: Later - Hopital Riviere-des-Prairies, Montreal, Canada):

On ERP / MMN projects: e.g. mismatch negativity sources in healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia:

support Uni-Klinikum


2002/3 : Dr. Ljubov Oknina, (Institute of Higher Nervous Activity & Neurophysiology RAS, Moscow, Russia: then later returned to Moscow) : [background]

On ERP / MMN projects: e.g. mismatch negativity and negative difference dipole sources in schizophrenia:

support Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung


2003/5 : Dr. Nele Wild-Wall, (Clin.& Cogn. Neuroscience, Humboldt University, Berlin: then - Inst. for Occupational Physiology, Dortmund. ) :

On ERP / MMN projects: e.g. mismatch negativity and negative difference dipole sources in schizophrenia:

support Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung

Praktika / Practical 'Interns' in Psychology, clinical and research experience (2003-2009).

Christian Beste, Cordula Drießen, Anika König, Tim Kühne,
Kristina van Leewen, Stefanie Meier,
Jutta Peterburs, Christina Schaffrath and Adriana Banozic:

Maria Dauvermann, Ellen Uslar and Victoria Kirchhoff also helped.........................


Inter-Clinic Co-operation, Essen in the 1990s (outside the Psychiatry Clinics)

Frauenklinik : Prof. A. Schindler (retired);

Internal Medicine : Rainer Daniels;

Paediatrics : Prof. W. Rascher (Later to Erlangen);

The Childrens Hospital : Dr. Wald, & Prof. Dr. B. Hauffa (cooperation with HPA axis hormones in the IMAGE ADHD sample),

Neuroradiology : Prof. Dr. M. Forsting (2003/4, see Co-operation page).