
Eckart R. Straube

Robert D.Oades                   


Empirical Research and Findings


University of Tübingen, Germany  (Now at the University of Jena)


University of Essen, Germany


This book presents a comprehensive and critical appraisal of virtually all of the research on schizophrenia, with particular emphasis on developments of the last ten years. It is the most comprehensive textbook, integrating all areas of schizophrenia research, ever published.

Academic Press, 1992 637 pp. ISBN: 0-12-673010-5


"This is an excellent reference  book for anyone interested in the  current state of research in  schizophrenia ...The authors have  succesfully given an overview of  the major current foci of interest  in schizophrenia research, and an  accurate represent-ation of the  research findings to date. The last  section provides an informed and  considered view of  information-processing deficits  related to clinical, biological and  psychosocial findings in  schizophrenia."

 British Journal of Clinical  Psychology


"This volume by Drs. Straube and  Oades... is the best schizophrenia  textbook to appear in many  years...[Straube and Oades] are  not only accurate, comprehensive,  and up-to-date; they also provide  integrating commentary
 throughout the book...I would  recommend this book for  psychologists, medical students,  psychiatry residents,  neuroscientists, mental health  providers of all disciplines. They  will find, with pleasure, that all the  topics important to them are  thoroughly covered, plus some  new ones...This is a marvellous  feat of understanding, clarity and  exposition. It is a painless way to  acquire balanced, accurate,  multidisciplinary knowledge about  the nature of schizophrenia."

 Mary Seeman
 Biological Psychology


"This is a useful book for the  specialist researcher looking for  an overview of several important  areas of resent research  interest...For those seeking a  readable and imaginative tour of  the major integrative approaches  in recent psychobiological  research: the penultimate chapter  is superb."

 Public Health


"I found the book to be a superbly presented, detailed compendium of the current state of applied and theoretical knowledge...the book should not be overlooked by the practicing psychiatrist."

John William Ferkany
in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry


"The chapters are written in a fresh and clean style that facilitates the absorption of a broad area of knowledge...The authors review and condense an extensive literature in a fairly sophisticated fashion. The liberal use of figures and tables is especially appealing in illustrating major research findings...The textbook is quite succesful in its basic mission, to provide a fundamental text, useful for both those involve in their own research on schizophrenia and those interested in an overview of the results emerging from a host of research programs... The book is a solid and well-written source book that reviews the broad range of schizophrenia research in a fairly exhaustive and comprehensive manner. It represents a valuable contribution to the professional literature and will be a very useful source book for schizophrenia researchers regardless of their expertise or training ...The Straube and Oades book presents a concise, well-organized and detailed review of a broad area of current schizophrenia research...The overall quality of the chapters is quite high. This is striking, given the broad range of research reviewed. Researchers and clinicians at different points in their careers and training who are interested in schizophrenia will certainly not be disappointed."

Steven O. Moldin
in Contemporary Psychology


"In my opinion this book succeeds remarkably well. The authors...[provide] summary statements at the end of each chapter and very short summaries about all important aspects of schizophrenia at the end of the is fascinating to see how much research in schizophrenia has expanded over the last 10 years. I am sure that there will be further major developments in our ideas about schizophrenia over the next 10 years. Nearly all the material from which these ideas will spring is to be found in this book."

Chris Frith
in Journal of Psychophysiology

This book covers every  topic of research with  schizophrenic patients  including:

  • Findings in cognitive, psychophysiological, neuropsychological, and biochemical research with schizophrenic patients.
  • Genetic studies, studies on environmental factors, high risk research and developemntal course in schizophrenia
  • Risk of developing schizophrenia
  • A chapter dealing with therapy including psychopharmacological and psychosocial intervention methods, especially psychosocial therapy, family therapy and cognitive training programs
  • A completely new theoretical integration of the findings from all areas of research in schizophrenia



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 Academic Press,
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 Original price USD 105,-
 recent sale price USD 50,-

The authors get together in Santa Monica, 1996


Clinical symptoms

    Clinical manifestation, Frequency and Definition of Schizophrenia. Cognitive Symptoms Thought and Speech, Memory, Perception and Response.

Psychophysiological Symptoms

    Responses of the Autonomic Nervous System to External Stimuli, Electroencephalography and Evoked Potentials.

Neuropsychological Symptoms

    Neurological Tests, Anatomical Bases for Schizophrenia, Asymmetric Hemisphere Function.

Inheritance versus Environment

    Genetic Studies, Environmental Influences and the Origin of Schizophrenia, Populations at High Risk for Schizophrenia.

Neurotransmission, Therapy, and Investigations of Long-Term Outcome

    Neurotransmission, Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy, The Long-Term Course of Schizophrenia and ist Predictability.

Integration of the Empirical Results and Theoretical Views

    Influential Theories on the Nature of Schizophrenic Symptoms - Old and New, An Integrative View of Chapters 1 through 14,

Synopsis, Chapter References, List of Previous Volumes in the Series ``Personality, Psychopathology and Psychotherapy", Index